Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch As I Type This...

I'm hoping my post will spur others who actually have things to say to post.
I am in TIFTON! Alright for doing absolutely nothing for two weeks. Been sleeping till noon and eating lots of delicious food, visiting old friends, reading church signs advocating salvation.
I made a veggie dish yesterday with my mom! YAY for almost cooking something! She also made coconut beef curry. So incredibly amazing.
Lets see, there's absolutely nothing else going on...which is nice, I have to admit.
Back in Athens in a few weeks!
What's going on with everybody else?
When/where are you heading off to...or currently are?

Thanks to Brian for making this.

Malavika Rajeev

1 comment:

  1. Mal! OMG congrats for almost cooking something! I've been trying to do that all week... and I've done ok, I guess.

    Also you crack me up "reading church signs advocating salvation". Cumming's pretty bad with that kind of stuff so I can ONLY imagine what Tifton's like.

    I'll be back in Athens starting my new job starting Monday so when you're back let me know!

