Friday, May 21, 2010

Coral Snake!!!

So... today... when I was in the field... I saw a coral snake when I was checking some agouti cameras/recorder... want to hear the better news?!?!
I didn't have my personal camera so I couldn't take a picture of it sooooooooo nooooooot cooooooool.
And my computer can't connect to la internet yet so... no pictures.
wouldn't matter anyways because i always forget my camera.
ok. it is not that i forget it but... i am going out in the forest to do work, i hardly think about taking scenic pictures.
remind me to take my camera next time guys ^_^
epic bush

Ah! Pictures! My own computer - mwuh!
! i love this picture...
This is where I stay at the facility
Um... some plant haha but it's purrdy!
This is a poison dart frog of some sort...

I caught a cat-eyed snake yesterday with this herper, Beck. Saw some frogs doin' the dirty deed, helped catch 3 iguanas... wonderfulness.
OMG saw my first tarantula! i most definitely have to take my camera everywhere now, yeah?


  1. Dude...sweet. Remember that in the tropics, "red next to black, friend of Jack" doesn't work!

  2. Oh...and freakin' sweet frog. I don't know the species, but I'll try to figure it out.

  3. i think that purdy plant is a heliconia?? maybe??
    It looks beautiful though, and sounds amazing!

  4. it's like i'm reading todd's post..."yeah?"

    that frog is so cuuuuute

  5. That's cool! You are in such a cool place right now!

    Random question: Are all of the men there a foot shorter than you and has everyone been commenting on your height?

  6. haha. actually most of the natives around here on the island are pretty tall. but otherwise (1) they don't care and (2) a lot of people are from other countries too so they aren't too surprised by my height ^^
