Tuesday, August 3, 2010

to finally be a tourist

Second to last weekend in Chicago was a great success! Some friends visited and so I took the opportunity to be a tourist.
The giant eye off Van Buren. Not sure what it's for.
Every respectable public library needs gargoyles
I just realized I still do not have photos of Millennium Park. Look for me rectifying this in the near future. 

Went to the Art Institute. Last time I was in Chicago (senior year of high school for a national academic team tournament nerdom whut whuuut), we went to the Art Institute. Since then, I've taken the basic survey art history courses and that greatly improves the art museum experience. Yeah yeah big surprise, but it's like my eyes have been switched out with a pair that can comprehend much more. Whoo education!
Yeah I did it:
Really cool architectural/design drawing
Like, how did I go to the Chicago Art Institute and not see this last time? 
The next day we hit up the Museum of Science and Industry, and though it is quite far away from the rest of the museums downtown, it was totally worth the trek. They had a cool green home exhibit that you could walk through. Though I will say (especially after Ecosa) that I was not very impressed with the house in terms of revolutionary green design. But, at least it's doing something for the general public. Plus it looks nice.
Hank is outraged by the comma splice:
A dress that can send text messages?
Shown in the exhibit on how awesome the future will be. If you're in Chicago in the next few months, I highly recommend checking out this exhibit at the MSI!
Simulation of how avalanches work. Which brings me to how much I LOVE science museums! Takes me back to childhood and science is so cool <3
That night we saw Inception in IMAX and it was superb. Hans Zimmer is a genius.

Rode the ferris wheel and watched the fireworks at Navy Pier...ultimate tourism. Though we did get to ride the wheel for free because someone gave us the last ride on her tickets. 
We also checked out Oak Park, a neighborhood where Frank Lloyd Wright lived and for which he  designed a bunch of houses. He is such a baller.  
Not FLW, but KOLEA!

Some additional highlights not pictured:
  • going to the beach
  • realizing the bus we arrived with was the last bus out from the beach
  • hitting up the many delicious eats in town that have been highlights of my stay
  • eating crackers with assorted cheeses that my mother sent me via Amazon.com for my 21st birthday (thanks ma)
  • failing at Chinese in Chinatown - you know once you fumble, the waiter switches to English only
This weekend is LOLLAPALOOZA and then I peace out of Chicago to fly back to Athens!!!!!!!! I miss you all so much, can't wait to see your shiny happy faces.


  1. You're in the same city Catherine is in! We can't wait to see your shiny happy face either.

  2. oh crazy! where she at? what she be doin? and i get back next tuesday, so it'll be quite soon!

  3. She's leaving tomorrow, but it was a family vacation. Her sister is an art student, so they have been visiting all the museums they can possibly go to. And tonight they are eating pizza.
    I won't be back until next Friday at the soonest though :(
