Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beginning of Classes! Oh wait SUCKAZZZ

That's right, I'm never ever coming back. At least for a few weeks, until I can't take it and come crash on the lounge couch (the custodial staff's worst nightmare v2.0). But seriously, I miss y'all.

Sorry I didn't post this summer. But I followed along and laughed. You guys are pretty good writers, ya hear?

I cooked with Ben Austin for IFP this summer. We averaged 25 people for two months. We went here. We purchased food as locally and sustainably as possible, which meant a lot of farmer's markets and roadside stands. Heidi joined up with us in Vegas, where one student gambled away $700.

Cooking outdoors, on the road, out of our truck was challenging, but fun. So was driving our 20-ft box truck for 10,000 miles on little Nat'l Park roads. But since we were out in the boonies, we rarely hit traffic - we had many more bison jams, elk jams, wolf jams, bear jams, etc., as they are called out in Montana/Wyoming. One time a bison just sat down on the road, and Ben and I had to just wait. In Nevada I swerved a full 15 passenger van at midnight going 50mph to avoid a deer. Needless to say, that woke everyone up. A few days later we picked up a Navajo hitchhiker named Phil Runningbear, carrying sacred eagle feathers to his grandchild's birth.

Check out Ben's, Heidi's, and my photos on my Flickr page.

Now I'm researching grad schools for Fall 2011 entry and have applied to internships starting in a few months.

Since then, when I haven't been sitting on my ass, Devin and I have been plotting adventures and bike tours. See y'all in Athens soon,



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