Sunday, June 13, 2010

Holy Shit Sheena, Your Posts Are Ridiculous

While I can't handle posting like Sheena, here's some quick updates from the IFP road. Ben and I have just crossed the Mississippi River, headed to Santa Fe in our 20ft box truck. Last week we cooked for our 30 students and staff on Sapelo Island. We've purchased probably half of our food locally from farmers, fishermen, roadside stands, or farmer's markets!

Chef Ben and our shrimp

Remember Daniel from Ecotones (early VP) and Sapelo Spring Break? He brought us some freshly caught friends.

Bycatch from shrimping. 9lbs to every lb of shrimp caught. I don't think I'll eat shrimp any more. This is seriously wild, y'all, what the hell.

A shark caught while shrimping - I threw him back, no worries.


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