Saturday, May 29, 2010


So we had a party ... two days ago - I had to show them how ecology got down!
Here are some pictores!

dare i say anything?I work for this guy more or less... haha
that is a camera trap that he is wearing. we use this to see what animals are taking seeds in the forests but imagine all the pictures he got on it during the party!!
monkey. iguana. bird?
Batma... Batgirl!
Iguana! i forgot what the neck thing was called.
This is Beck **sheena** haha anyways... moving on

I was supposed to be an agouti... she (Lieneke) was an Astracaryum fruit...
So clearly we know how to get down after we have done our days worth of work ^_^
Miss you guys! But at least I got some crazy ass friends here to tide me over hahaha

ok. i was going to upload more but the internet here is too finicky for me to chance losing this post :p



  1. hahah agouti!!! amazing. your ass looks good.

    and i see ya there, beck


    Your Panama friends seem fun! I miss you! Carey and I were talking about how much we loooooove you today!

    Have fun!
