Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today was pretty momentous... it marked the transition from I-barely-care to I-really-don't-give-a-fuck about my Oxford class. Thus, I went herping. Also, I surprised a huge red fox chillin' in the middle of a pasture, which gave me a reason to change my pants for the first time on this trip.

Oxford's pretty cool (if you're into beer, at least), although there is pretty much nothing natural here. Pastureland is about as wild as it gets. It might not be as good as the Appalachians, but I think it might make for a great SIS 2011 backdrop, no?

Even though I'm having a great time overseas, I find myself craving the dusty couches of the lounge. And the dining hall cookies. And yellow labs. And y'all are alright, too.

I'm glad we have this blog, or I might go crazy.


  1. What a transition! At this rate of non-caring, both you and Malu will both be struggling to graduate in three years, just like me. Remember: Minimum. Minimum. Think: "60"

  2. haha Always think minimum, isn't that right Ochem?

  3. you're so right marku. a minimalistic point of view is good for the health. and I find it really funny todd that you do not fear a rattlesnake yet tremble at the sight of a cute little foxy. hehe

  4. haha Todd you rock. Enjoy drining the beer and being a slacker.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I would like to clarify/defend my position: flipping logs for four hours for one freakin' toad is not being a slacker. I'm just selectively slack...about things that don't involve herps.
